Typos, we've all seen them. However, especially in chat, that miscalculated key strike of the finger can totally alter the typers meaning, often with hilarious results. In my 9 years of chat hosting, I have seen some dillies, and invite you to share ones you've seen too. Two of my favorites:
"Val's brb and will be back in a sex." - Musical trying to be helpful. "Eggs and toads" - CT telling me what he tried to feed his daughter.
Yeah, lady who said it needed to explain that she meant it would be a great BOON LOL
My first chat home has someone who was a MASTER at cut and paste to his one ends - always something funny. One in a while he went after me and this was my favorite *ummmmm TAHOE, great rewrite* moment
Actual line: musical is away: peforming random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty
TAHOE's retwite: musical is away: performing unspeakable acts of beauty and senseless acts of kindness
Yeah, it's not a typo per se but he knew JUST how to make a room laugh with his creative c+p!