A friend alerted me to a site called spokeo.com, you can type in a name and all kinds of personal information comes up. Your address, phone number, income, marital status, etc. It's very scary. If you pay a small fee you can get even more info. Worse is there is NO apparent way to take yourself off this list. It doesn't say anything on how to opt out. How ever way down at the bottom of the front page ( see picture) is a link marked 'privacy'. If you click that you CAN remove yourself from this invasion of privacy. First, check and see if you are listed, and copy the url of the page your on. You NEED that url to opt out. Then go back and click that privacy tab. Follow the simple steps. Those funny letters you need to type in will keep showing up, so do it only once, then check your email ( it doesn't say anything about this either). Make sure you look in your junk mail for a letter from them. In it is a confirmation link you need to click for your info to be removed. The makers of spokeo ( said spoak-E-oh) claim it's all legal because the info is gathered from public records. It was created by some University, but it's a WONDERFUL example in poor web design, and borders on "Identy Theft made easy."
Looked myself up and it has a few things right, a lot of things that aren't true anymore, and a few things that are just crazily wrong. At least I really doubt my house is worth $1M+ LMAO.