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Poppy, the First Fairy Ballerina

As a young fairy, Poppy use to sneak into the practice room of young Tillie and watch her practice her ballet moves. Of course she had to be careful to remain undetected, but right along with Tillie she'd  go through all the positions. 

Usually fairies do not associate with the human world. It is just too dangerous, but now and then they do go on forrays and borrow items. It was on one such excursion, Poppy discovered Tillie and the ballet.  She watched the beautiful dancers twirl and leap, seemingly effortlessly and without the aid of wings.  In her heart - Poppy knew she wanted to be able to dance like that. As often as she could she'd sneak back to watch and learn. The other fairies did not understand her fascination, and warned her against such folly. 

Poppy watched as Tillie began dancing en pointe. Poppy tried going up on her toes and imitating the twirling pirouettes, but would always fall over, no matter how hard she tried. Then she noticed the shoes. They were so different than the other ones she'd seen!

One day, after practice, and Tillie had left, Poppy flew over to examine them. The slippers were slightly curved with a hard wedged shaped toe that ended in a small square. So that's how it's done! The secret was in the toe of the shoe. Poppy wondered how she'd get a pair like that. None existed in Fairydom.  Perhaps if she described them to Cobbler -  no, that wouldn't do. It would just end in a lecture about how dangerous it was to be around humans. Poppy sighed. Perhaps she'd just have to be content in just watching this marvelous type of dancing, instead of doing it.  Something nagged at the back of her brain. She'd seen shoes like that somewhere, along with fairy sized clothes. Where was it?   

She remembered that they had borrowed several of the dresses, of course they had to be altered abit, but were more durable then the usual attire of petals and leaves.  She recalled that Momo had stated that they could take one for each girl in the clan, provided they could also blend with the foliage, in case man would blunder into their village. This was their best defense, blending in with the woods. 

In her head she could see the shelves of pretend animals, some realistic, some not so real looking.  There had also been these images that looked like humans only smaller. Momo had said that they were called 'dolls'.  Momo had been to the land of humans many, many times, and knew a lot. He had even once resided inside a place called 'school' and had an education.  In turn, when he came back to Fairydom, he had taught others to read and write, and had even started a Fairy School, holding classes for anyone who wished to learn more than the Fairy basics.  Not that there was anything wrong with knowing just the basics, they had served Fairydom quite well over the centuries, but it was no secret that knowledge was power, and human knowledge aided in understanding the enemy better. 

Poppy frowned. There had been a sign, hadn't there? Yes, she had seen it over Momo's shoulder as he had selected a few new books from something called 'miniatures' for the library.  She knew she'd asked what the heck SYOT spelled, and he said that was nonsense then laughed when he realized she was reading the window, whose lettering was reversed on their side of the glass. TOYS! It was at the Toy shop she had seen the shoes! 

Poppy knew she'd have to wait for the next foray, as she'd never find the Toy Shop by herself, and gain entrance, for now she'd best be getting back, before she was missed and need to account for her time.  On the way she glanced up at the moon. In three days, it would be time for the next foray. In three days, she would get her magical shoes.  She just knew it.

Back home, Poppy went to her special place, where she had recreated Tillie's practice room, deep beneath a wild lilac bush. It had taken her weeks and months to make. First was hauling all the flat river stones to make the perfect dancing surface. The practice bar was a discarded drinking straw from a juice box, slung between to Y shaped twigs, but the coup de gras, was the mirror. What a find that had been, and what a job getting it here! It had been too big for her to carry, and although round, it wouldn't roll proper. She didn't want to risk breaking it if it should topple, and she absolutely could not ask for help.  

She had been overjoyed when she discovered that the twin round mirrors could be folded shut on each other, forming one flat circle. Pushing it across two round thick logs, and harnessing it to a couple of caterpillars solved the problem. Now she sat upon it like a wagon, and her furry friends pulled her up to the lilac bush.  It had been hard work reopening it, and getting it balanced on edge, bolstering it up with a few more rocks. Now, looking into it, there were two Poppys looking back.  With little effort  she would draw across the leaf curtain, hiding it from view or if necessary, push it close allowing it to lay flat. Either way, her special place would be safe from detection.  

Now she practised in front of the mirrors. She had nearly perfected an arabesque, her back leg lifted so high behind it was nearly invisible from the front view. In her mind, she thought how grand it would look en pointe, or on toe.  Bringing her back leg forwards and down she went immediately into pirouettes, accompanied by the small jumps called petie allegros between, until she had completed a complete circle.  Someday she thought, I will add the grand jete'. Like a deer I will leap and fly though the air without the use of my wings.  She sighed. Once she had the shoes and mastered en pointe, she would work on that.  Exiting the bush, she looked up at the moon and stars and thought,'and you will be my audience.' 

Finally the night arrived for the foraging in the humanland.  Poppy knew they'd at least stop at the toy store, because it was the only place they'd readily found things their size, that they could use.  That was one of the cardinal rules, they only borrowed what they could use or needed, and even then only what they could carry.  Say, in the case of a cat attack, you really couldn't fly away if weighed down with something it was taking two or three to carry. 

All of Fairydom was a buzz with the grand celebration coming up for the Queen's birthday, so this foray was special. First, would be the toy shop, where gifts would be gotten, and then a stop at the bakers for some special treats, especially what was called chocolate. The Queen found it horribly delightful, and the fairies had no way of making any. They would also pick up some special baking goods that Baker wanted for the feast.  Of course there would be nectar to drink, and tons of fairy foods, and games to play, but Momo had decided that since the Queen was a very special fairy, everything must be extra special, even the prizes for the games.  

First Petal slid beneath the toy shop's door and made sure it was safe for the other's to follow. Quietly they crept and began to search for the most perfect gifts and prizes.  Momo shook his head no at a good many suggestions. 

 While others looked, Poppy searched for the shoes she remembered seeing.  Running along a countertop she stopped dead and stared. There stood the most beautiful ballerina on a stage.  "It's a music box," Momo spoke.

"A what?" Poppy asked without taking her eyes from the figure, clad in the most beautiful tutu, all layers of delicate purples and whites, the top bodice filled with sequins that sparkled like wee stars. 

"A music box. It winds up with a key at the back and plays music. Here, I'll show you," He disappeared behind the box, some grunting was heard and then, the ballerina moved! She spun round and round en pointe in an arabesque that was flawless, while a beautiful tune played.  

"Oh, Momo, did you ever?" Poppy stared adoringly and clasped her hands together in excitement."It is the most cunning, glorious thing ever."

"Yes, it would make a very fitting present for the Queen - only it is too large for us to carry. "

"What if we helped you?" A small squeaky voice asked, causing Momo and Poppy to jump. 
Whirling Momo came face to face with a rather large, plump mouse.  "Why, Mousca! How are you my old friend?"  

"Oh fine, just ready for a visit back home, before I get too spoiled and forget the ways of the woods.  If you want, George and I could easily carry that back for you.  I saw a cart we could draw. You'd only need to load it up. "

"Would you, Mousca? Would you really do that for us?" Poppy could barely contain herself and nearly forgot about the shoes in her excitement. 

"Just a moment, Poppy," Momo stuck a thumb beneath his suspenders and drummed his remaining fingers on his chest. "And just what would this favor cost us, Mousca?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing - well maybe a bit of cheese and an invite to the party?" Mousca looked hopefully at Momo. 

Momo chortled, with Mousca there was always a price, but unlike his cousin the Rat, it was usually sensible. "Done! Now show me this cart." Together he and Mousca wandered off, and Poppy began her search again in earnest. 

Just when she was about to give up she found them on a rack of doll accessories. There were hats, purses, shoes, jewelry -  everything for the highly fashionable doll.  Climbing up the rack proved difficult, it kept wanting to spin, but then Poppy remembered that she could fly. She fluttered up, and cautiously knocked the packet down. Landing beside it, she tore at the package until she freed them. Cautiously she tried them on, and  crossed the satin ribbons around her legs, as she had seen Tillie do so often, ending in a neat little bow.  She sat straight legged on the floor admiring their spotless whiteness, and how the streetlight that filtered in the window danced along the ribbons. Carefully she stood, and rose onto her toes. They worked! She was en pointe! A few steps, followed by a few pirouettes - 

"Poppy!" Momo's voice came from nowhere jarring her back onto her feet. "What are you doing?"

"N-nothing," inwardly, Poppy blanched, she was busted.  

"I wouldn't call that nothing. Frivolous maybe," he reached out touching her shoulder and she steeled herself for at least a lecture,"still very nicely done, but a fairy has no need for special shoes, she has her wings. " He looked deep into Poppy eyes, large and bright with tears. He sensed, that no matter how silly it was to him, it was a dream for her, and dreams should be cherished. Even those that seemed foolish to others. After all hadn't he been laughed at for wanting to learn of human ways? And hadn't many of those ways, after his return had been adopted by the fairy folk?  Squeezing her shoulder he said, "Very well, if they mean that much to you, you may keep them."

"Oh, Momo! Thank you!" Poppy hugged him for all she was worth, making Momo blush.  Even if he was an old fairy, it still did his heart good to see the younger ones genuinely happy.

In what seemed no time at all, Mousca and George came forward, harnessed to a two wheeled cart, the other fairies enjoying the ride. Quickly they all hopped out to aide in loading the music box.  From beneath the counter, some paper and ribbon was fetched to wrap the ballerina up.  Four fairies, each at a corner of the paper, flew it high over the ballerina and then dropped it to drape over her, while the others quickly gathered the ends and bound them in place about her ankles.  It took everyone all together to lift it onto the cart, because Momo insisted it be done with great care. It would not do to scratch the base or worse crack it. Hurriedly, the rest of the presents and prizes were loaded in as well.  Poppy patted the pouch that hung around her waist, inside the sought after shoes.  "To the Baker's, if you please," Momo said to George and Mousca, who gladly obliged thinking of the goodies to be had.

Of course they could not leave the way they had entered. The cart would never fit under the door, so instead they took the Mouse Expressway, a maze of sorts that ran behind the walls and exited behind the trash barrel outside.  Poppy and Momo rode in the cart, making sure all the parcels remained safe, while the other fairies flew, slightly above or alongside.  None of them had ever been on the Mouse Expressway before, so they just had to trust that Mousca and George knew where they were going.  Once they reached the exit, Petal again went first to be sure the coast was clear.  

The trip tp the Baker's was uneventful, and since they knew what they wanted, it only took a minute. They were in and out in a flash. Although, brave Petal did pause long enough to snatch some sharp cheddar cheese from the traps for George and Mousca. Now, after a short break while the mice enjoyed the extra cheese, they were finally on their way home, just down this alley  and then-

"SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Meow!" Everyone froze, someone cried cat!  From behind ashcans they came. Jumping nimbly down from atop various crates they came. Quickly the mice and fairies were  surrounded by advancing cats of all shapes and sizes. Tabbies, calicos, toms, yellow, brown, black, some baring battle scars, and all of them looked very hungry. A meal of mice and fairies would be very nice indeed. 

"Run!" Yelled Momo to Mousca and George.

"Fight!" Cried Petal.

"Fly away!" others screamed all at once.  

Petal and several others drew their straight pin swords and flew at the cats stabbing at them wherever they could, while others flew haphazardly through the throng of hungry cats blowing fairy dust into their eyes, distracting them while the mice made a headlong dash for the end of the alley. It was a battle royal! The cats hissed and scratched, pouncing upon the fairies, and making grabs for the mice. Suddenly a paw sent Momo hurtling to the ground, and with one paw upon his chest, the other raised to strike a deadly blow, the old grey Tom smiled wickedly, saliva dripping. "What a tasty morsel, you will be," he drooled.  

Poppy had begun running as fast as she could towards them as she saw Momo strike the ground.  She had to reach Momo and help him, but her wing had been badly damaged when the cats had overturned the cart. Still she had to try - she felt her legs coil and then launch her upwards, like the forest stag she extended her legs, one in front the other behind. The grand jete'  of a lifetime, and if her aim was true - the cat howled in pain as her foot struck him in the eye.  Poppy then managed a full turn in mid-air before landing solidly on her feet. Just as quickly Petal and others were by her side forming a wall between the cats and Momo. From the left and right, having managed to detangle themselves from harness and cart came Mousca and George with reinforcements in tow. An army of mice and rats rose up from seemingly nowhere, and now stood in front of the fairies. 

The cats all looked at each other. The grey tom's eye was nearly swollen shut, but he could still see that they were vastly outnumbered.  "Let's go," he growled, "hardly a meal there." 

The fairies and all the rodents let up a cheer, and Poppy blushed as they called her a hero, and asked what kind of fighting was that? Smiling she said, "It's called Ballet."  Petal slid his arm around her shoulders, asking if she could teach him to leap like that, while Momo tsked over her wing. The cart was quickly righted, and the parcels all packed back in. Several of the larger rats volunteered to escort them out of the alley, just in case the cats had any ideas.  It was a very somber, tired group that arrived home. 

The first thing Momo did was make Poppy see the Doctor, who declared her wing was only sprained and she shouldn't fly for two weeks.  Poppy didn't mind much. Afterall she didn't need her wings to dance. Besides there was a party to get ready for!

At the party the Queen called Poppy forwards. "I am told you showed great bravery in the attack upon my subjects in the Land of the Humans, and that you used a new fighting form called Ballet. Is this so?"

Poppy, wasn't quite sure what to say, " Well yes and no, your Majesty. It isn't really a fighting technique, but a dance form." 

"A dance that can put out your opponent's eye? I'm afraid I don't quite follow, my dear. Perhaps you could show me?" 


Momo spoke, "Your, Majesty, if we could have but a moment to prepare, I am sure Poppy would be delighted to give you a demonstration." The Queen smiled, and nodded assent.

As he walked Poppy away he brushed her objections aside. "Poppy, can you or can you not dance ballet?" 

"I like to think so."

"Good, then this is your chance to show everyone what they are missing." He looked at her, "It's your chance to live your dream, Poppy!"


"Let me guess, you are afraid you have nothing to wear, as a real ballerina would," from his pouch he drew out a package. "I hope this fits the bill." Poppy could not believe her eyes, inside was an exact replica of the tutu the music box ballerina wore.There was even a tiara for her to wear!

"Oh, Momo!"

"I trust you have your slippers?" Poppy nodded yes. "Then I suggest you get dressed. Can't keep the Queen waiting you know."

Poppy gave her all in the performance, and when she did the grand jete', one could hear Momo telling the Queen that was how she had saved his life, but all Poppy heard was the applause.  

The Queen was so impressed she asked Poppy not only to give special performances, but to teach others as well.  That was how the very first fairy ballerina and Fairy Ballet company came to be.




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I loved this. Now I want to know what happened next. More, please!


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Posts: 200

Couldn't help but picture Tinkerbell in my mind when reading this story and throwing Pixie dust in the cats' eyes.

Never knew about Poppy, The first Fairy Ballerina.

Walt, where was this story when I was a kid??

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