Below is the letter to the editor that will be published April 1 (I know...April's Fool day...but doubt two different people would put my hopes up like that...) as a special *Saftey Concern*...hope you all like it :)
Safety needs to be everyone’s concern, yet the people of Monmouth seem to forget that the stop signs are meant for everyone. At the corner of Main Street and Monmouth Avenue, there is a stop sign. I have done an informal check to see whether pedestrians realize the stop sign means stop for them too. In approximately 40 minutes, 271 pedestrians chose to go right through the stop sign. Ten looked both ways but did not stop. One actually stopped and waited. That is .003 percent of the sample population. Monmouth is a small town, but even small towns need to be safe! Safety is everyone’s job, and the unintentional disregard for the pedestrians regarding the stop sign is appalling.
I myself have been run over by a driver not paying attention. He was focused on his child and not paying attention to the road. At the car going maybe 10 miles an hour, it still hurt for a few days!
The best way to combat this problem is for the pedestrians to realize that they need to stop at stop signs. It doesn’t take more than 20 seconds to stop, look both ways, and then proceed. As the pedestrians pay attention to the stop signs, and act accordingly, there will be more respect from the drivers. Everyone will feel safer, and the chances for an accident are lessened.
I totally agree with this letter. I have seen people come out of our walmart where I live, which is also a small town, and while there is a cross walk for walkers, I think they still should look before they walk. I have seen many a driver wait patiently for these walkers, who do have the right of way, but if you don't look before you cross you might come across that "one" driver who is in a hurry and you just might get run over............mmmmmmmmmm
wow Mus!!!... great letter.... so true... motorists need to be alert when driving.... just as pedestrians when walking.... motorists talking on cell phones while driving.. pedestrians messing with ipods while walking.. what's the difference?... none!!!... it takes two people, both motorists and pedestrians, to make things safer for all. if the world would realize that, what a wonderful world this would be... again Mus.. great job!!!.... i hope the people in Monmouth read your letter... take it serious and start paying attention while dribing or walking.... sometimes all it takes are the words of one person to make a difference... Maybe Mus... ya just did that... Tbird